
The Rate Your Nando's Team has been working on a new way for Nando's fans to browse Nando's restaurants nationwide. Check out the page here.

You can now easily...

Nando's today confirmed the new Walsall restaurant should be opening its doors on May 1st. It is also going to be a 125-seater restaurant, so should have plenty of room.

The full story can...

Nando's are reporting today that Guildford Nando's is temporarily closed until 15th March 2013. In the meantime, local fans will have to head to Woking,...

Just incase you missed them, last week we found out further details on two future restaurants:

- The St Helens restaurant will hopefully open in May, and
- The Tunbridge Wells...

Nando's have released a 'new' menu this week which doesn't actually feature any new items, but will happily take more of your money for the old ones. Expect £9.95 for a half chicken with sides,...

Nando's' confirmed today they are aiming to have the new St Helens restaurant open by May this year!

With Nando's providing this expected opening date, the restaurant's Rumour Rating on the...

Friday 22nd February 2013, saw Nando's' plans to open in North Farm (Tunbridge Wells) quashed by Kent County Council.

This has led to this restaurant's Rumour Rating on the...

Any Nando's fan is keen to know when, or if, a new restaurant is going to be opening close to them. Therefore it is with great pleasure we announce the Opening Soon...

Due to popular demand from those less acquainted with Nando's, we have made a photo gallery page. It is divided into three handy categories: food...

Two previous Monthly Competition winners Pompey Ranger and LawVS have already reviewed...


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