Baker Street hosted RYN16. It was my first time at the branch despite walking past it countless times before (I'd almost been once but the queue was gigantic). A stone's throw from Baker Street station (Jubilee, Met, Circle, H&C, Bakerloo) and Madame Tussauds / Sherlock Holmes stuff (and London Underground lost property too). This was also the first dinner (that I'd been to anyway) without James - although Marc held down the fort well!
We were early getting there (about 7.10ish) and there wasn't a Nandoca on the door so we headed straight downstairs because the ground floor level looked far too full to be expecting a reviewer dinner crowd. We were given two large booths that can probably hold 8-10 people, and the rest of the seating is a mixture of these booths and large round tables. Downstairs ordering is available, with the sauce station just opposite it and drinks tucked away next to the staircase. One thing to say is that all the food comes from upstairs, so you see lots of Nandocas scurrying down with it.
Had to wait AGES for my food! I was one of the first to order downstairs yet my food was one of the last to arrive! Only Olivia's seemed to come after mine, and she got offered a free glass of wine - but nothing for me! However, I'll forgive the staff because they put out free starters for us (pitta with the usual dips) which went down a storm with everyone and just about helped me through the agonizing wait for my food while everyone else devoured theirs!
When it came, my food was absolutely brilliant. Double chicken burger contained a good amount of chicken and sauce, while the garlic bread, chips and halloumi were all cooked to perfection. It's 'only' 4.5/5 because I felt that a) there could have been more peri salt on my chips and b) there were no bottles of extra-hot sauce downstairs! I looked a good few times but nothing, before Marc kindly got the attention of one of the Nandocas to get us one.
Throughout the meal, staff were great; even accommodating us on some free tables after we ate so we could do the quiz (annoyed I didn't win - I was counting on that bottle of sauce!).
RYN16 marked my eighth reviewer dinner - and I'm still yet to win anything in the raffle!
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