Well it is fair to say that despite wanted to park at the cheaper car-park right next to the Mailbox, the cost only came to £1 each which all in all wasn't too bad!
This Nandos trip took place on a lazy Saturday afternoon for lunch, to break up the day from revision.
News had also spread that one of my friends was working as part of the Nandos team - a great opportunity therefore to check the place out!
The Mailbox branch is a fairly small outfit, which, at an estimate, has perhaps 20 to 25 tables, some inside and even a few outside the front windows (still located within the Mailbox itself).
Not as trendy as the new Broad Street branch, this Nandos might not be as aesthetical, but certainly makes up for it with a HUGE large chips size. When I say big, I mean the portion could have fed a family of four (but here was finished off single handedly by one of the RYN-CEOs, with half an 'extra hot' chicken - a great effort it must be said).
There were a few things I would change. Firstly, there were only one or two front of house employees that I could spot, and on a fairly busy Saturday, I would have had at least one or two more. Food was being left on the counter, and although ours wasn’t cold when it arrived, if it had, it was clear to see why.
Secondly, the place could do with a little more decor. I love going into a Nandos and feeling that Portuguise/South African vibe. This restaurant feels a little too generic and it really wouldn’t take much, as everything else was spot on!
The music was great, and the staff were friendly. I'll be coming back here again soon - hopefully for a more romantic occasion, but don't hold me to that (hia).
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