Brackenfell - Anonymous Review

Anonymous's picture
How Helpful?: 
Average: 1 (1 vote)
Anonymous (not verified)
Number of Visits: 
How Busy?: 
10 - 25 minute wait
Time of Day: 
Weekday Dinner
Date of Last Visit: 
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
2.75 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
3 (Not bad. Did everything I asked of them)
Speed of Service: 
3 (10 - 15 mins - Nando's average)
Quality of Food: 
2 (Quite disappointing - seems rushed, may have some parts burnt)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
3 (Standard Nando's, nothing bad, nothing exceptional)
Additional Comments - This will make you stand out in the competition! Unique aspects? Student discounts? Parking tips?: 

Ordered nandos takeout with Mr D.
Festa fries and perinaise avo burger.
It takes a lot for me to complain, but Nandos Brackenfell dropped the ball on this one. Festa fries had NO cheese sauce....not a drop. The perinaise sauce on the "PERINAISE" burger was so miniscule, I had to add my own mayo. It was literally a drop of sauce which was advertised as the burgers main feature.
For R180 I can eat KFC for 2 meals. The same amount of money for Nandos and I'm still hungry as the fries bowl was less than half full. (Counted 2 peices of onion with half a handful of fries - not even close to the advertised picture) Genuinely disappointing as I hadnt had Nandos in a long time. Not good value for money at all.

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