This store is a Franchise set up, which has the draw back of being very variable as to the quality, luckily this seemed to be a good one.
Their menu is different obviously with Mando and lime on offer nor the fine range of desserts back in the uk, in addition it lacks the bottomless carbonated beverages and sells bottles of Pop at $2 and Garlic potato mash as opposed to creamy. The price you see is also not the price you pay!!! A $9.75 1/4 chicken with 1 side will actually cost you $11.02 after they add taxes, I wish they would dare to be different and show the price you pay not the price you'd pay if anarchy ruled and there was no tax system.
The store which was set in amongst other stores including a dentist on the main road and opposite a giant Wallmart and Mc D's benefits from free parking outside and is well decorated inside with lots of artwork and light wood work. The till area welcomes you as you come in and people were greeting from the till and assist with tables. The seating is on both sides and varied between tables with chairs and padded benches backed against the wall. The toilets which were off a corridor at the back were clean and tidy and had a cubicle and urinal and a very funky sink.
You get given a numbered metal chilli table marker to take back to your seat, they also brought a glass of tap water out to my table.
When the food came out the chicken was spot on and drenched in sauce and cooked to my liking, the garlic mash was great to begin with but by the time I finished the bowl I found it quite sickening, the first time I haven't lamented the small size of dish with mash.
The girls were walking the floors in between serving customers and chatting with the customers which gave the place a good homely feel which I appreciated.
This store restored my confidence in Canadian Nando's and would be happy to return to it.
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