Well I walked in needing a table for three... was seated somewhat near the entrance which I didn't like, so I asked for a change, the waiter agreed with absolutely no problem. We had huge bags of shopping, fortunately there was just about enough space (although one of my bags had to hang behind my chair and people kept bumping into it). I must say, I liked the music and me and my two friends had a tiny little mini-rave :p (one of them is half portuguese haha). I had a quarter chicken and chips, this time I decided to try the extra hot sauce in the black bottle. Oh my, it was hot, but I kinda saw that coming. The chicken was tender and I wasn't embarrassed at all to dig in with my hands. I was so full, I couldn't manage dessert. Also, I am allergic to nuts, so to see them on the counter made me flinch a bit (perhaps move them off?). I also avoided eating the skin of the chicken as it had a slightly burnt sort of flavour and was quite oily. The unlimited drinks is an awesome idea! I needed loads because of that sauce! I kept stealing my friend's chips, they were lovely, thick and crisp. I would definitely come here again, the smell from outside it led me in (more than any of the other restaurants in the food court). I also wish there were more choice of desserts. I wanted something light, but I'm not a big fan of frozen yoghurt
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