This store at Brighton Marina benefits from 4 hours free parking in the multi storey car park, there is also an ASDA and various other stores and restaurants. The store which is up on the high decking surrounding the marina also has a front decking separated from the board walk by potted hedging around it and a good sea view which is also shared with the front of the store through the large glass windows. The entrance is quite grand and with the length of it will help block out the sea winds which effect the marina in winter.
I was impressed they were able to seat 17 of us from our hockey club straight away on the same table at 6:30 in the evening, the turn around on food was excellent as well as no sooner had people got back to the table with their cutlery and beverage than the food was coming out. The food was standard quality and the chips were plentiful and hot.
Staff were friendly too and very smiley and polite and did all the key checks, though they had run out of Forks at the cutlery station.
The room is quite large and cavernous but separated by 3 low level walls. An abundance of artwork around the premises and clean toilets which are at the back behind the serving area also add to the draw of this place.
Would definitely recommend coming here and all my friends including the Nandos virgins rated it highly.
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