As popular as the Canary Wharf Nando's is, it's amazing that it took them this long to clock on and open another one.
This second Nando's is situated above ground, at the top of the escalators at the end of the mall with the DLR Station.
We arrived just before lunch at about 11:50, and were served very quickly.
15 minutes later the place was heaving, with queues inside and out, and the staff fumbling to make room for everybody on the limited tables.
If you work around Canary Wharf, a good tip would be to head out to lunch 10 minutes early.
The food was as good and spicy as expected, and the décor was nice, though there is always the underlying feeling of just being in an alcove in a shopping centre.
Overall, I still prefer the original Canary Wharf Nando's for food and serve, but there was definitely a call for a second one.
If it continues to be this popular, maybe we'll soon see a third!
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