Chiswick - Gerry Louis Review

Gerry Louis's picture
How Helpful?: 
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Number of Visits: 
How Busy?: 
Almost Full
Date of Last Visit: 
Friday, May 30, 2014
Time of Day: 
Weekday Dinner
3.63 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
4 (Good stuff. Very polite)
Speed of Service: 
4 (5 - 10 mins - Some conversation had begun)
Quality of Food: 
3.5 (Average but with lots of peri-spice)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
3 (Standard Nando's, nothing bad, nothing exceptional)
Comments - Stand out in our monthly competition! What did you eat? Unique aspects? Parking/transport tips?: 

Well this was my 2nd ever visit to this branch after I swore I'd never go back there after the first time: I had to seat myself at a table I chose, then collect my food later on from the counter.
This time I was greeted, and seated straight away at a table near the front but also close to the door, which became cold when the door was opened. I also had to sit between a couple of teenagers on one side discussing their drunken nights out, and a group of four teens on the other chatting about their inane lives.
The Host was very friendly, took my order and advised me where the stuff was, as if he recognised I had not been there before.
The food when it arrived was good, enjoyable. The chicken was well cooked, very saucy and the sweet mash, whilst it was a bit chunky, was hot and very delicious. They're a very old school Nando's as they still have a red barcelos stick to mark an occupied table..
All in all, i'm not afraif to go there again, it seems as if they have sorted out their problems since the last time I was there, which is good.

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