This store in the newish complex built above the underground station also features a Vue cinema, a David Lloyd gym and a Lloyds pub along with other eateries. The store is on the second floor of the centre right by the escalator. With windows across its front it can open up fully to the centre. Parking here i would consider too expensive but it is well served by public transport.
The lower section of the store has seating to the left by the open window and the till area to the right. There is a nice doorway up on the wall and many good artistic features including nice portraits on the wall of the raised area which is behind steps and has a soft form around the wall, the rest of the seating is basic tables and wooden chairs. The store was clean as was the beverage and sauce station, though even though store was empty seemed to be a queue each time I went for a beverage.
The blond female member of staff was very helpful and friendly and certainly had the smile, the other members were standard. When my meal came out the chicken had a burnt wing tip and was a little dry, the mash was a little dry / over nuked but the houloumi cheese was spot on and really enjoyable.
The music was irritating as whilst it was latin american style which I normally like it was too loud and too rythmic and repetitive like if the cd was stuck on the same groove and repeating every 5 seconds. The worst place was in the toilet where it attacked my eardrums .
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