How's this for dedication? I was flying to Cork, which is easily done from Birmingham, East Midlands or multiple other nearer airports... but since Ryanair flew from Gatwick South Terminal - well I opted to fly out of there instead! Sadly, it was a later flight from here, so missed the 11am breakfast cut-off but maybe one day again soon...
As you can only get to this Nando's by passing through security, specifically from the SOuth Terminal, it's a tricky one to visit. Parking can vary wildly based on how far in advance you book, but I managed to book four days parking at the official onsite long stay for £24 - which is cheaper than most city centres!
This Nando's is on the upper level and easily found. Make sure you visit the toilets before going in if needed as there aren't any inside... What is inside though is a nicely decorated restaurant - much bigger than expected. There is plenty of avried seating, with multiple square booths and some larger round ones too. There is a very nice large wooden tree (a wooden pillar with wooden leaves at the top) which also has lots of colourful glass orbs hanging down from it. Towards the back and behind the sauces stand, the branch open up a little to the left and right. To the right there are lots of red chinese lantern style shades for the lighting and to the left the back wall has about 100 small canvas paintings adding lots of colour. Most of the ceiling is a nice wooden wave too.
I was claiming a free whole chicken and so went for three large sides for our party of two - and was properly stuffed afterwards. The chicken was hot, moist and bright white chicken right to the bone. Very meaty pieces of chicken with soe nice charring on and cooked perfectly. The sides of chips, rice and ratatouille (or chargrilled vegetables as they are now called) were all standard average sizes (which was a bit of s ahme as large portion are normally much bigger) and all sufficiently hot. It all took just under 10 minutes to come... Oh, and you can get a nice pint of Sagres on tap...
Staff were fine and doing as expected... and the wooden handled little knife you get was actually sharper than Nando's normal knives... so a bit odd you could smuggle that one on board.
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