This store in central London is surrounded by busy pubs and the store front is of a single shop which hides its larger interior a bit like a Tardis. There were a few seats and tables on the pavement outside but being that this isn't France and I'm not a hobo i headed straight inside where you arrive in a little lobby with stairs descending and a greeter to welcome you (though he seemed most interested in chatting to his friend) and a back wall full of impressive artwork. Upon descending the stairs into the inner bowls you come to a smallish dining area from where you enter through a archway into the main deal. The area was light and airy despite its subterranean condition and seemed clean and tidy. The staff down below were chatty and helpful and made you feel at home.
The food wasn't bad though the standard issue of a frozen butter which i tried to melt enough on top of my chicken in order to spread my roll. Chips were well cooked, warm (but not enough to defrost the butter) and plentiful. The only draw back was the Ice machine was broken which wasn't an issue for me but was for the many foreign tourists who were stood like ninnies pressing the button repetitively despite the large out of order sign. I thus realized that for many this will be their first experience of Nando's, like the table of northerners next to me who irritating moaned about everything until their food came out and then just just as irritating went on about how good it was ( I know its good that's why I come to Nando's, not to listen to Northern accents whine). The comedy moment was when the northern guy who had been boasting how nothing is hot enough and had ordered extra hot had to run to get more beverage as his mouth burnt.
I had the Frozen Yogurt to finish the meal as the staff here were checking if people wanted anything extra, normally avoid chocolate flavour like the plague but hadn't realized it was the flavour of the day, but found I really enjoyed it. Definitely a store to return to.
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