Hove - Pompey Ranger Review

Pompey Ranger's picture
How Helpful?: 
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Number of Visits: 
This was my first visit
How Busy?: 
Almost Full
Date of Last Visit: 
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Time of Day: 
Weekday Dinner
3.75 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
4 (Good stuff. Very polite)
Speed of Service: 
4 (5 - 10 mins - Some conversation had begun)
Quality of Food: 
3 (Average - just as you would expect)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
4 (Very clean, newly furnished, impressive artwork and lighting)
Comments - Stand out in our monthly competition! What did you eat? Unique aspects? Parking/transport tips?: 

This a new store in the area of Hove, which despite the heavy traffic around the site had a good level of free parking which it shares with a pets at home, toys r us and a few furniture stores.
Despite being a big group of 15 we were seated very quickly with chairs and tables moved around to accommodate us.

Out side there were 2 great feature tables 1 around a tree with high chairs and a light feature which has a Greek feel to it, and a smaller semi circle of seats around a table. There were also tables and chairs along the outside wall and windows.

Our table number 1 was cool with molded wooden benches and close to the till, the far end of the store was more curved and had some great art work on the walls. The toilets were very cramped and also had a queue to use the mens which is rare.

Food on whole was good with good portions and served quite quick, but 3 of us thought our chickens were more charred than we would have liked. My chicken skin was blackened which is never a good look but was fine once it was peeled off and my mate Warris really didn't like his burnt chicken skin.

A good store, i will come again.

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