Kettering - Gerry Louis Review

Gerry Louis's picture
How Helpful?: 
No votes yet
Number of Visits: 
This was my first visit
How Busy?: 
Date of Last Visit: 
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Time of Day: 
Weekend Lunch
3.75 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
5 (Wow, I feel incredibly welcome! Recognised if a frequent visitor)
Speed of Service: 
2 (15 - 25 mins - Where's the food? Might have asked a staff member)
Quality of Food: 
4 (Above average - noticeably tastier than normal)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
4 (Very clean, newly furnished, impressive artwork and lighting)
Comments - Stand out in our monthly competition! What did you eat? Unique aspects? Parking/transport tips?: 

This is a nice little branch with young, energetic and capable staff.

First one to arrive twenty minutes before opening, first to order and first to get food but it was about twenty minutes wait. The young, tall guy who opened the door also let me have a seat close to a socket to charge my phone and we had at least three people come check on our table during the course of the meal.

I had a 1/4 chicken mango and lime, garlic bread and peri chips. Plenty of chips and peri salt, the garlic bread was grilled well but the chicken was not white all the way through. Decent size however and it was hot on arrival. My sister not so happy with the sweet mash which she said was watery and had no flavour. She also found the butterfly chicken breast very dry.

The restaurant is kept clean and tidy, plenty of space between tables. There is also an outside seating area, and plenty of parking as it shares it's lot with a pizza express? All I could hear was lady gaga coming out of the speakers. There's even a drive thru at this branch which may have previously been a McDonald's or Burger King.

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