Chicken pitta extra hot
1/4 Chicken extra hot FREE
Soft drink
PLACE: Table 9. I wasn't a fan of the 'straunt layout, father Nando clearly had trouble designing the interior as the room is 'Z' shaped. Sitting in the booth by the door was drafty and cold. I also haven't been to a Nandloo for a long time but I'm happy to report that this one was airblade enabled- 7/10
SERVICE: Host: Alice. Firstly the food was slow to come to the table, 25 minutes, but that's OK. Although I didn't have a very good till experience. Alice was probably tired at the end of her shift but that does not excuse her making a fool of me. She asked if I wanted sides and I said "what are the sides again?" and started listing them off "chips, corn, rice…" expecting her to join me in listing the sides out loud. She just cut me dead "you're just saying sides at me, just say what you want". That wiped the smile from my face- 3/10
FOOD: Alice was forgotten about as soon as the food arrived. I'm trying to cut down on the chips and cheesecake intake as I don't want to die before the challenge is complete but the pitta was so good I didn't even miss the chips. It was beautifully stretchy and densely stuffed. The 1/4 chicken was a breast, which was a departure from my usual leg but it was majestic with its perfectly charred skin and lashings of sauce. This boob was so big that it must have come from a monster hen. It was a hiccup inducing level of spicyness (which is the perfect level)- 9/10
COMPANION: I'm always wary when I take super-hip people to Nando's, scared that they'll be underwhelmed by the idea of eating at a chain. But these guys were in love from first chick chomp to last. As usual, the do's never fails to win over even the harshest of critics- 9/10
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