Leeds - J27 - sharpdogg Review

sharpdogg's picture
How Helpful?: 
Average: 5 (2 votes)
Number of Visits: 
How Busy?: 
Half Full
Date of Last Visit: 
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Time of Day: 
Weekday Lunch
4 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
5 (Wow, I feel incredibly welcome! Recognised if a frequent visitor)
Speed of Service: 
4 (5 - 10 mins - Some conversation had begun)
Quality of Food: 
4 (Above average - noticeably tastier than normal)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
3 (Standard Nando's, nothing bad, nothing exceptional)
Comments - Stand out in our monthly competition! What did you eat? Unique aspects? Parking/transport tips?: 

Lip smacking butterfly chicken breast dripping in X hot sauce topped with a huge slice on lettuce, two juicy tomato slices resting gently on a Freshly baked Portuguese roll hidden underneath the chicken I found a grilled pineapple looking very swole indeed sitting gently onto of a heart healthy avocado.

This was served with what some would say the best rice that can be found on the planet Nandos call it SPICY RICE, over the best rice that can be found on the planet I drizzled Nandos garlic peri sauce, adding pure mouth porn to this perfect dish.

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