I visit Nandos Mt Lawley once a week, most every week (typically in the evening), to support a friend who likes to eat here regularly. Nandos is his thing. I've been doing this weekly run for over 6 years now.
I don't have much comment on how the food compares to other Nandos, other that it's consistently delicious (I'm a sucker for the Supremo wrap). I don't have other stores to compare the decor too, but it's pleasant, and the view out to Beaufort Street adds a pleasant Cafe air to the place. But I'm not writing about the food, yummy though it may be.
Rather, this review is about the people who work there. For six years, I've watched them treat my friend (and myself) with unfaltering politeness and professionalism. I've seen a few faces come and go over this time, but the standard is clearly set, and I'll happily recommend any of them across the the field of hospitality.
Nandos Mt Lawley seems more in line with a prestige airline or a bespoke restaurant than a fast-food chain, and yet there's no fake veneer either - maybe it's the decor, but honest hospitality can't be overrated. So it might be a largely invisible thing, but I wouldn't sit down and write a review if I didn't feel it should be recognised and appreciated. Thank you!
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