Honestly this place has just become shocking…. Like sort it out, worst nandos I think there is. I appreciate there is wait times but when you have 6/8 empty tables becoming available yet you still have numerous people still waiting for tables makes absolutely no sense at all. The urgency to actually clear and clean tables is none existent…. Yet you have multiple staff stood around who are more concerned with chatting and socialising with each other than actually serving customers. When you then have what I believe as a manger ? In a checkered shirt who just walks rounds aimlessly not even helping, if she is the ‘manager’ if think she actually needs to manage the place and delegate out the jobs and prioritise serving customers to actually ensure they have a pleasant and enjoyable experience. Secondly when you can see that there is two orders for the same table why and I cannot emphasise this enough are you sending out one meal and then preceding to only send the other meal out 20 minutes later, people come to eat together not to watch someone else eat. Our drinks arrived well after our food which again is just ludicrous. Finally the state at which you decide to slowly and painfully give food out which proceeds to sit under a pitiful excuse for a heat lamp so all the food is cold, dry and practically inedible. On this occasion I sat and watched my food be made and plated had two ask on two separate occasions when my order will be coming for them to pick the plate up which has been sat there for 10 minutes. This kind of hospitality involves the most minimal service and customer interaction yet you still can’t even get it right. Shocking experience from start to finish ended up being there around an hour and a half with awful food and horrendous service. Please sort this out it’s just unacceptable.
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