Heading back from Blackpool after a Half Marathon - and what better way to celebrate than peri-peri goodness???
This branch is located in the city centre of Preston amongst the main shopping area and just off the Market Square. This means it's easily located by the train (only half a mile walk from Preston Railway Station) and also plenty of well sign-posted car parks. On this occasion I parked at the Central Bus Station which is only 5 minutes walk away and is very reasonably priced at £1.20 for the first hour, £2 for two hours, £2.70 for 3 hours etc (Mon-Sun). Market Hall parking is the same price except from 9pm-8am it's free (and also only 5 minutes walk away).
The nearest cinema is the Odeon, which is located about 1.5 miles away, down by the Ribble on Riversway Industrial Estate. There's a Lakeside bowling alley just north-west out of the city centre - about 2.5 miles way from Nando's.
Arrived here at about 1:30pm on Sunday and it was less than half full, which meant for no queue and all food for our group of three came in less than 5 minutes! It was delicious as well. A very succulent, large portion of well marinaded chicken and a big portion of hot crispy chips. Mmmm mmmm! The only downside was the rice had congealed together a bit and was a little dry. The chicken was great though! Averages out to a 4 I think.
The staff were all very pleasant as well. Making bits of chit chat with customers - more than just what you come to expect.
As for the branch, it was nicely decorated. Other than a 12-seater table immediately on your left by the entrance, all the seating was in a big open plan area stretching from the front to the back of the branch. Four booths against the right-hand wall, tables/chairs down the middle and then bench/chair seating to the left of this (with the back of the benches making up the walkway separator from the till point).
Some unique points for this branch were the used oil drums lampshades. This has been done before in other Nando's branches, but there were 20 or so grouped together above each booth. Toilets were also spotless with huge porcelain sinks and used oil drum mirror surrounds.
Overall, a very nice lunch!
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