This Nando's is a Nino Nando's (small). It’s very near to the main line Twickenham station. Twickenham is also served by many bus routes. If you park in Waitrose after 6 – in the week – it’s free.
There are no table numbers so when you order at the till they take your name. Once the food is prepared, they walk around calling for you.
There is a large long table at the front and some high breakfast bar type tables on the left.
All the other tables are the standard style, although the one we sat at seemed very close to our neighbours.
My bench seat needed a wipe down with some cleaner, it had greasy handprints over it.
And I’d like to pose a question, what’s the dining etiquette/Nando rules regarding men dining with no tops on?? We are in England, not the desert.
The menu is small, I was disappointed to find they are unable to provide sweet potato mash, so had to opt for the creamy mash. It’s not really to my taste, but not through any fault of Nando, it’s just personal preference.
The quality of my x x x x x hot ¼ chicken was also sub-standard, not nice to eat, it was all a bit bouncy!
And no straws (again) & the artwork on the right is just plain weird.
As far as I could see, they have just one toilet, right at the back of the restaurant, so a bit of a queue but it was clean and tidy.
Despite all these niggles and moans, I would still go back. But would be sure to avoid “Rugby” days.
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