Vauxhall Arch - Elliott Review

Elliott's picture
How Helpful?: 
Average: 4.7 (3 votes)
Number of Visits: 
How Busy?: 
Half Full
Date of Last Visit: 
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Time of Day: 
Weekday Dinner
3.5 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
4 (Good stuff. Very polite)
Speed of Service: 
2 (15 - 25 mins - Where's the food? Might have asked a staff member)
Quality of Food: 
4 (Above average - noticeably tastier than normal)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
4 (Very clean, newly furnished, impressive artwork and lighting)
Comments - Stand out in our monthly competition! What did you eat? Unique aspects? Parking/transport tips?: 

RYN6 approached, and having visited this outlet before when it was quiet, and receiving excellent service, I looked forward to visiting this outlet again with the RYN team.

Arrived and after a short wait, Marc appeared, and we were lead to a special 'VIP' area which is away from the main restaurant. I was seated with Gerre and Jackie, in a booth that could accommodate three and was right by the entrance. The problem with the 'VIP' area is that there was a very very strong smell of damp, which isn't exactly surprising for being under railway arches, but still a little unpleasant. It also made the usual RYN activities somewhat difficult such as the raffle (which produced no results for me!) as we were split in to three very separate areas, but Marc soldiered on!

After the raffle, ordering took place. I was served after a short wait, and the order was taken fairly swiftly. The meal arrived after around 20 minutes, and was fairly good. I was one of the first to order, and to be expected there would be a delay as 25 hungry Nando's fans placed orders, but being one of the first, I thought it would have arrived a little bit quicker. The food itself was quite yummy. I ordered the Churrasco Thigh Burger Mango and Lime with Chips and Salad. The chicken was a little dry but smothered in sauce. The chips were nice, and the salad was good. Overall not a bad meal considering.

The quiz then followed, which I joined in for team 'Not Them Again' giving them a few answers before having to quickly depart. Thankfully I was informed that the team ended up winning the quiz (yay!) but as I wasn't present at the end, I was missed off from the winners prize!

Not a bad outlet. I would say I enjoyed my experience more the first time I visited, as I felt the meal was better and the service was also better. However that is probably a side-effect of 25 or so Nando's fans ordering all at once!

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