My 1st visit to this branch, for the RYN 6th Birthday reviewers dinner. it's very easy to find from both the South-West train station and the underground station. Look out for the massive sign pointing you in the right direction, through the walkway/tunnel under the main line tracks. The branch is massive with a beautiful curved ceiling covered in small wooden panel/tiles. As we were a large group, the staff put us into a side section of the branch. I fully appreciate why, but it smelt really damp and unused. and soon became very crowded and hot too. the food took a while but, again, I fully understand why. I utilized the waiting time to visit the loo. very clean but a bit 'industrial' with the concrete coloured sink. nice tiles in the ladies. the staff really worked their socks off, and several staff members apologised profusely for the delay in serving. once it arrived, my food was good, tried one different item.......creamy mash......it was fine. everything was hot and tasty, apart from the chocolate gelado - this was cold and tasty. just finished my food in time for the quiz. was sad that Elliott wasn't able to stay long, but we soldiered on in his absence. a very enjoyable evening. I am sure I will return on a 'normal' night.
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