Victoria - Cardinal Place - Elliott Review

Elliott's picture
How Helpful?: 
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Number of Visits: 
This was my first visit
How Busy?: 
A few tables occupied
Date of Last Visit: 
Friday, May 20, 2016
4 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
4 (Good stuff. Very polite)
Speed of Service: 
4 (5 - 10 mins - Some conversation had begun)
Quality of Food: 
4 (Above average - noticeably tastier than normal)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
4 (Very clean, newly furnished, impressive artwork and lighting)
Comments - Stand out in our monthly competition! What did you eat? Unique aspects? Parking/transport tips?: 

Friday Nando's, and Victoria - Cardinal Place was chosen as the venue. Arrived, and welcomed with a beaming smile. I was told I could sit where I wanted within the outlet, so I chose a table by the window in the corner. After a short ponder of the menu, I went to order. This was fairly easy, returning to the table thereafter.

The meal arrived after under 10 minutes, and looked very appealing. I ordered 1/4 chicken mango and lime, with peri-chips and garlic bread. The chicken was dripping with sauce, and very well cooked. The chips were light and fluffy, covered in Peri-salt, and the garlic bread nice and warm. I again used the new peri-Pomegranate dressing to dip the chips, which was most enjoyable.

The outlet has some nice artwork around the place, and was also very clean. It has a nice atmosphere, with the Nando's playlist blasting away. The outlet is quite big, with inside and outside seating areas. The till and grill is at the rear, with toilets upstairs.

The staff were very friendly and welcoming throughout. From the wide open welcome at the start, to being served, and the cheery thank you when leaving.

Overall, a very nice outlet. I would recommend heading to this outlet as it is bigger and I found better than the Wilton Road branch which is not that far away.

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