Nick Sat us and was absolutely amazing. I have a number of confusing and complicated dietary restrictions for medical reasons (is is usually easier to list the whole foods I can eat as opposed what foods I can not eat) and was extremely intimidated to eat out while traveling but he made me feel welcome and accommodated without belittling me or making me feel like I was annoying or a burden (as I am often made to feel at other dining establishments). He went out of his way to obtain and explain the food allergen menu and even double checked specifics with the staff behind the counter as to what oil is used to fry. I have never felt more welcome when eating out before. Nick was, to say it in so little words an ideal ambassador for the brand and I think he deserves recognition for that or a more influential position that would allow him to showcase his talents for your team. PS- the allergen menu lists vegetable oil in the fries but that is often used as an umbrella term for a variety of oils, it would be fantastic if it had the specific oils or oil that makes up the vegetable oil.
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