I had never been to Warrington before, but I had heard on the grapvine that it had one heck of a killer Nando's. Walking down some pedestrianized streets and through some narrow and dark alleyways, I was fearful at first that this fine establishment may be closed for the day. It was Sunday after all; the Lord's day.
To my relief, the Nando's was open and inviting, for it had begun to rain and shelter was to be had in the restaurant. Upon walking through the doors my party and I were greeted with the traditional scents of Nando's: sweet, yet slightly stinging, piri piri, rich chicken and just the occassional whiff of a burnt chip. The hostess greeted us with a stern, yet friendly face and even provided an extra chair when the half-wit accompanying us told her the table was for four, not five. The extra chair did not come dripping in sauce, a good decision by management on this occassion.
It being a Sunday mid-afternoon, the restaurant was only about half-full. I would like to say it was half-empty for my football team had just lost handsomely and I was, and still am, in a pessimistic mood. Sadly, this website does not give me that option.
I ordered a double-breasted pita with chips and spicy rice. Lots of carbs, I know, but I don't have to justify myself to anyone. I'm a fan of double-breasted things, most particularly coats and sports jackets. I also had a drink, diet coke on this occassion, and very refreshing it was too.
After ordering my meal I attempted to bring back to the table the following items: my drink, a bottle of Nando's hot sauce, a bottle of ketchup, napkins, a fork and a knife. For moments this looked like it could spell disaster. A bit of personal information about me: I have two hands; too few to carry this hefty load back to the seating area. Fortunately, a staff member volunteered heroically to assist me. Gold star for that man.
Ten minutes later I was enjoying my chicken. The breast sandwiches always take a little longer to come out than the other dishes, so I was patient, but once it arrived I scarfed it down like a hungry Warrington Wolf. The chicken was tender, but, as is always the case with Nando's, the sauce stole the show. As soon as I took my first bite I felt it zip across my taste buds, dancing a jingle-jangle tango around my mouth. Credit too must go to the pita. Like a rugged, strong and athletic defensive midfielder, it held everything together, not wilting at the substantial amount of sauce contained within the sandwich. I've had many a wheat receptical (aka slice of bread) crumble when over-powered by excess ketchup, mustard or alfredo sauce, and I must say I was impressed with how this pita retained its tensile strength while still soaking up a lot of the sauce, like a well drilled defense facing an onslaught in the last ten minutes of a cup final. Pro tip: you don't have to be called "Peter" to like pita bread.
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