West Hampstead - Marc Joss Review

Marc RYN's picture
How Helpful?: 
No votes yet
Number of Visits: 
How Busy?: 
Half Full
Date of Last Visit: 
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Time of Day: 
Weekday Dinner
2.75 / 5
Friendliness of Staff: 
2 (Quite rude, ignored me as they walked past)
Speed of Service: 
3 (10 - 15 mins - Nando's average)
Quality of Food: 
3 (Average - just as you would expect)
Decoration & Cleanliness: 
3 (Standard Nando's, nothing bad, nothing exceptional)
Comments - Stand out in our monthly competition! What did you eat? Unique aspects? Parking/transport tips?: 

Parking is notoriously difficult in West Hampstead. We drove around for a good 10 minutes before luckily finding a space which was a 5 minute walk away from the branch and that was at 945pm on a Thursday!
As for the meal, my chicken leg was slightly lacking in meat but I left satisfied as my fellow Nandoer was kind enough to leave me a large number of his chips. When I questioned the member of staff (who was probably knew according to a reliable source) about my chicken, he seemed clueless and possibly unable to understand. He did nothing about my query but in the end, it did not adversely affect the meal.

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