This store on an industrial, retail and leisure park on the outskirts of town wedged between an Ice rink, bowling alley and a cinema with plenty of parking around it.
I entered an empty store, a manager's meeting was going on to the left side which I shall come back to more later.
The store is in a semi circle shape with the till area in the middle and seating in wings. There are a mix of booths in the middle and soft forum seating and movable tables around the edge. The toilets were beyond the semi circle and were clean and tidy.
I had to wait a while for someone to come out to seat me which is annoying in an empty store. Likewise when I went up to order the cashiers were no where near, but after a while a griller came and served me and was the most friendly member of staff.
Whilst I was getting my drink and sauces I could overhear the manager's meeting. They were discussing the importance of counting the tip jar at the same time each week. Who ever tips in Nandos! And is that really that important, I was also emensely disappointed they weren't having chicken, not even wings during their meeting. What sort of manager's meeting is without wings!
My chicken came out a bit burnt beyond my liking, like if it had spent far too long on a tanning bed.
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