This store in the North Wales town of Wrexham is based in a new Eagles Meadow development (though I didn't see any Eagles and there certainly wasn't a meadow left) which comprises many shops from Marks and Sparks and Debenhams through to Poundland and Sports direct. The main local draw must be the cinema and ten pin bowling, the former of which is right next to the entrance of Nandos. There is a parking area in the complex but there is also an hours free parking outside Jones fish and chips on the round about next to Tescos (this is where I decided to risk it for a biscuit) and also numerous other cheaper car parks around.
The store is on the first floor in one of the rounds of the centre and you get to it either by the lifts or the escalator. It seems very small on the outside but this is deceptive due to being in the middle of a disc. The Glass doors were quite heavy and also confusing as you trap yourself in the middle as you enter.
The manager gave us a very warm Welsh welcome and was friendly, attentive and helpful. I got a definite feeling they were understaffed as he seemed to be doing everything and rushing around. He did very well and I only saw one other member of staff behind the tills but I think this lack of staff did result in the delays in getting our food which did let the place down. He did keep doing the rounds checking every thing was ok and was very genuinely friendly and made sure everyone one was both welcomed into the store and wished well on their exit.
The Décor was very good with the wood carving models around the back of the store and also the large gourd pots on shelves. The store was spotless as were the toilets at the back which were not only well designed but very fresh and the small tiles and curves gives a real boost.
When the chicken arrived it was well cooked and the Chip portion hot and generous a nice treat. The other customers around us were also cooing their enjoyment. It was good that despite being short staffed and apearing to be doing everything the Manager (I assume he was the manager as he had a black Goatie beard, Burgundy shirt and seemed to run the place.) he still came and checked on us and remained good humoured with all the customers. He even was saying to see us next week in such a compelling way we were tempted to drive up. He ought to be moved up the management chain and set the task of training other managers as he was expert in hospitality.
This is my favourite store in Wales.
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