Our next dinner is at West Hampstead Nando's at 19.30 on Tuesday 28 October.
Where is my free chicken?
Everyone gets 20% off AND we will do our usual raffle once everyone has arrived to give out 5 peri-tastic prizes:
1st - £20 Nando's gift card
2nd - A combo meal
3rd - £10 Nando's gift card
4th - £10 Nando's gift card
5th - A bottle of Nando's sauce of your choice
1 free raffle ticket for those who meet event criteria (3 reviews in total including 1 since the last reviewer dinner you came to - check your RYN profile or ask Marc if you're unsure) AND have clicked 'I'm Attending' on here. Additional tickets are 50p.
We also give away free raffle tickets on Twitter and Instagram using #RYNsaucy17 so check the # regularly.
What if I don't know what I will want to eat on the day?
The meal you put on here is not linked to your actual order, it's a good way for us to keep track of numbers and it shows up on your RYN profile after the event which we think is pretty cool!
Is there a Nando's quiz?
The quiz will be after dinner with bottles of Nando's sauce for the winners. Expect more Nando's anagrams, name that Nando's and name that RYN user's map questions! SMART PHONES ARE ALLOWED!
How do I get an invite?
You must have signed up on the website and submitted at least 3 reviews, including 1 since your last reviewer dinner. Rate Your Nando's now if you are yet to meet the criteria. Remember you'll get a free raffle ticket which could lead to free chicken!
May I bring a friend?
We always want to meet fellow Nando's fans. All we ask is for a few reviews in return! As long as your friend writes 3 reviews on the site and meets the criteria, he or she can of course come!
I would love to come to RYN Reviewer Dinner 17, what next?
Log in, click 'I'm Attending' and tell us what you plan to chow down at the dinner. Feel free to invite friends (who meet the criteria of course), the more the merrier!
If you have any questions, contact us or inbox us on Facebook. See you there!
Thanks for coming to #RYNsaucy17 at West Hampstead Nando's!
Congratulations to raffle ticket winners:
Nando's sauce: Joel Levitt
£10 Nando's gift card: Doron
£10 Nando's gift card: Joel Levitt
Combo meal: Joel Levitt
£20 Nando's gift card: Sam I
The quiz was a dramatic tie after two teams got 17/20. Blayne, Steven and Paddy thought they had the win in the bag, but Elliott and Gerry equalled their score so all 5 of them got to take home some Nando's sauce.
#XhotXmas14 will be at Covent Garden Nando's on Monday 15 December. We hope to see you there!
Name: Marc RYNPlanned Meal: Double chicken wrap extra hot, peri chips, garlic bread, halloumi. |
Name: James RYNPlanned Meal: Double wrap Extra Hot and Mango & Lime, peri-chips, spicy rice, garlic bread, perinaise, tap water! |
Name: Meli PisaniPlanned Meal: Whatever I feel like on the night! |
Name: SVCPlanned Meal: Double wrap medium with cheese, spicy rice and macho peas. |
Name: BlaynosPlanned Meal: The usual... double chicken fillet burger with peri chips and garlic bread and a double side of halloumi |
Name: jl7039Planned Meal: Medium butterfly chicken breast, rice and salad. |
Name: ElliottPlanned Meal: Quarter chicken HOT with spicy rice and salad, and a water, followed by delicious cheesecake! ALTHOUGH - Always up for a Wing Roulette if anyone want's to take me on? |
Name: DoronSalomonPlanned Meal: Half chicken medium, peri peri chips, halloumi, bottomless drink, olives... medium livers. |
Name: Gerry LouisPlanned Meal: half a chicken mango and lime or mango and lime chicken wrap with halloumi and pineapple, sweet mash and garlic bread >:o) |
Name: oliveboy26Planned Meal: #chicken |
Name: Ricky MarshallPlanned Meal: Double chicken burger and peri chips and garlic bread |
Name: BradleySingerPlanned Meal: Double chicken breast burger with perri chips and garlic bread with a bottomless coke |
Name: TesPlanned Meal: butterfly chicken, macho peas, halloumi cheese |
Name: raphdeanPlanned Meal: 1/2 chicken perri chips and macho peas |
Name: KJPlanned Meal: Chicken wrap mango & lime with chips and coleslaw |
Name: Steven CastellinoPlanned Meal: Butterfly chicken, chips, spicy rice, two sides of halloumi and maybe a cheeky desert |
Name: Serub15Planned Meal: Hot half chicken, spicy rice, peri peri chips and perinaise |
Name: ElainePlanned Meal: Corn on the cob, chicken lemon and herb pitta, chips, salad |
Name: DavidHillsidePlanned Meal: Olives. Half chicken with hot sauce peri chips |
Name: PHISHYPENGUINPlanned Meal: 1/2 chicken with spicy rice and piri piri chips! |
Name: DL UTVPlanned Meal: Most likely chicken. Probably Butterfly, I'll frontcrawl my way to the front of the queue and perhaps show my breaststroke to the lovely ladies behind the till to get me some extra halloumi ;) Then I can backstroke my way home feeling happy |
Name: Sofia MrcPlanned Meal: Chicken! |
Name: Rob MacIntoshPlanned Meal: 1/2 chicken (hot), peri-peri chips, spicy slaw, bottomless coke |
Name: Sam IPlanned Meal: Quad chicken wrap extra hot, peri chips, garlic bread, halloumi. Diet coke. 2 Samuelbuccas |
Name: joellevittPlanned Meal: Butterfly breast medium, chips & garlic bread |
Name: kaviPlanned Meal: Butterfly (hot), peri chips, coleslaw. Halloumi, obviously! |
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