Had to follow two local kids because I wasn't sure how to get to the branch. I'd just seen a movie at the Cineworld and bought a ticket for the next movie so had an hour to get to there, eat and get back for the next film.
I opted to eat at a table outside the restaurant otherwise I would have been waiting for at least 20 minutes despite the fact it had been raining. Borrowed a menu to place on the wet seat after ordering inside. I grabbed the sauces, cutlery, water and tissues and took them out. The guy who took my order was really nice saying he'd bring me a table number despite the host saying that I didn't need one.
Whilst waiting, a Nandoca came and used my tissue pile to wipe excess water from my table and others without my permission. So annoying. A gentleman from the adjacent table also dipped into my tissue supply during his meal. I used a fork and tissue to cover my water from flies and debris. I used the sauce bottle to prevent the tissue from blowing away.
The meal arrived in average nandos time. Compared to my last meal, and it had a lot to live up to, the mash was bland, garlic bread part cooked and the chicken just wasn't as saucy. I had to pour plenty of lemon and herb sauce onto the mash to give it more flavour.
The toilets weren't that bad. I liked the contrasting yellow sinks and black patterned wall combo they had going on. White on black, at the top and blue, black, and cream theme running through the cubicles... very psychedelic and trippy. Didn't really see much of the exterior only that the ceiling is low, wooden slatted too with hanging lights. It's kind of dark in there too.
It was nice but not as nice as Enfield Town.
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