It was the date of the contributor's dinner for the month of September and this was the easiest London Nando's I had ever gone to (It was literally a few minutes walk from Waterloo - no tube or anything!).
The decor was again very different to other outlets I had seen and truly encapsulated its own identity which is nice to see in a chain - that carried over to the seating too! All in all, it felt like a comfortable place to sit down and chat with my fellow Nandistadors!
I managed to leap up and get my order in first and the subsequent service was quick and piping hot; ready for me to consume with vigour. The chicken was a little smaller than usual but that was more than made up for in the ratio of sauce which was great. It meant that the chicken slipped off the bone without much resistance and generally meant that that was one of the better Nando's meals I had sampled lately. Macho peas were good as a side but we all know that it's the bird we're all here for!
My staple, frozen yogurt, was in attendance with the rare appearance of the caramel flavour which I'd seen only twice before tonight (One of those was at the previous meetup.) and was lovely to see. Three heaped visits later and I was satisfied.
Despite the size of the restaurant being narrower than the normal Nando's, it was long and didn't feel all that cramped which it could've easily fallen FOWL of! I would certainly go there again if I didn't feel like venturing too deep into the lair of London. Most appealing!
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