I would like to commend Troy of Sydenham's Nandos. (I think he might be the manager there.) We were a party of 5 adults and three children. One of our friends had problems with her phone order but Troy was very attentive, helped her sort out her app and their food arrived eventually. After we had eaten she tried to place a takeaway order for a pitta meal for her husband. She had somehow managed to repeat the order 7 times due to the malfunctioning phone app. We were horrified to see 7 pitta meals lined up on the counter. Troy came to the rescue once again, very quickly reversed the order, refunded the money and even placated my friend's crying 3-year-old without blinking an eyelid. He showed no sign of being rattled about the messed up order. His behaviour was both gracious and professional. We were so relieved, our evening was saved and we all left feeling indebted to Troy and his team for whom nothing was too much trouble. We had a super time celebrating the birthday of our friend's 7-year-old daughter. We will definitely be back. Thank you Troy.
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