Grand Central Shopping Centre
New Street Station is below Grand Central Shopping Centre.
As with most Centres though, the further out you can park, the cheaper it is - and those that are well-signposted are the most expensive. For example, parking at The Mailbox is £2.50/1hr, £5/2hrs, £6.50/3hrs and up from there. Edgbaston Street is £1.50/1hr, £4/2hrs, £6/3hrs and up. New Street is £2.50/hr. If you are familiar to Birmingham and don't mind a 5-10 minute walk into the centre, then park over by Moor Street Station, where places like Coventry Street, New Canal Street and Bordesley Street offer 70p/hr up to maximum of £2.20 all day parking.
Staff gave great service. They can only accept tips in cash, so I was frustrated I couldn’t leave a tip on my bill.